Ukarimu House, a large ministry center & home across from Daystar University’s Athi River campus, is a home for both Daystar students and Ukarimu Ministries staff, demonstrating to emerging leaders the biblical call to be salt & light, and to be a place of rejuvenation for all.
Chip works with teachers in Christian higher education institutions in Africa, supporting their teaching ministries to facilitate transformation in students. God calls us to be both conformed to the image of his son, as well as being transformed by the renewing of our minds.
The Athi River campus’ 2,000 undergraduates, from all over Africa and other parts of the globe, provide many opportunities for ministry. By mentoring, guiding, befriending, and to a certain extent, parenting these young adults, we have significant impact on these future leaders.
Chari leads this area of our ministry by training lay-counselors, organizing seminars for churches and the community, and student counseling. Together, we do both pre-marital and marriage counseling, as well as conduct marriage enrichment workshops.
Together with other families in the area, in 2011, we launched the Lukenya Community Church. LCC’s vision statement, To Become Maturing and Transforming Communities in Christ reflects our focus on spiritual growth and community impact.