You can help Ukarimu Ministries in a variety of ways, including:
To Support Ukarimu Ministries:
To make an online donation fill the form below and proceed to the Elim Fellowship site
If you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make your cheque payable to Elim Fellowship and mail it to:
Elim Fellowship
1703 Dalton Rd.
Lima, NY 14485
Be sure to include a note indicating your ““preferred use for Ukarimu House construction [or] Scholarship for Daystar University Students, etc.”
If you wish to make a donation by credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and do not want to use the online contribution form in the “Online” section of this site, please call Elim Fellowship at (585) 582-2790 and ask for “Contributions.” Additionally, you may email Elim Fellowship at and they will get you the information you need to do that.
If you wish to make a donation locally by MPESA, please Send to:
0702 021 391
Be sure to send an SMS to the same number indicating your ““preferred use for Ukarimu House construction [or] Scholarship for Daystar University Students, etc.”
If you wish to make a donation by Local Bank, please Send to:
Account Name: Ukarimu Ministries Trust
Account No.: 10047530581703
Be sure to indicate your ““preferred use for Ukarimu House construction [or] Scholarship for Daystar University Students, etc.”